Dear all,
We have got the pleasure to announce the 2020 edition of summer schools organised by the geographers of Faculty of Science, Humanities and Education of Technical University of Liberec. We prepared two courses, focusing on the Central European countries and Cross-Border Co-Operation between them. Both courses will be held in August 2020 and will be hugely overlapping. Except for the new knowledge you will make new friends, visit three countries and learns something about them. We will be very happy to welcome you in Liberec, splendid place just an hour from Prague!
On the behalf of the summer schools team Hynek Böhm

Summer School #1
Visegrád Countries in the Context of Current European Crisis
Summer School, 3 to 14 August 2020, Liberec (with field trips to other 3 European countries), Czech Republic
The programme will be based on geographical disciplines and international relations. The whole programme will be based upon combination of classical tuition in classrooms combined with field trips.
Students will during this summer school experience at least the following:
- Visit 3 countries: Czech Republic, Poland (jointly with Slovakia and Hungary so called Visegrád countries) and Germany
- Attend following cities, where they will have an occasion to spend also some spared time: Prague, Dresden and Wroclaw
- Czech Republic is very safe and affordable country with low living expenses
Summer School #2
Cross-border Co-operation in Central Europe: Story of Success (?)
Summer School, 3 to 14 August 2020, Liberec (with field trips to Germany and Poland), Czech Republic
The goal of the program is to provide the students with an intensive interdisciplinary insight – based on the mix of geography, political science and history, into the way how is the cross-border co-operation (CBC), which is often labeled as a laboratory of European integration at a microscale, conducted in the EU with more special focus on differences in the cross-border co-operation (CBC) conduct in individual EU countries with post-communist background.
Students will during this summer school experience at least the following:
- Visit 3 countries: Czech Republic, Poland and Germany
- Attend following cities, where they will have an occasion to spend also some spared time: Prague, Dresden and Wroclaw
- Liberec is just one hour away from Prague by a very convenient public transport
- Have an occasion to use the leisure-time activities around Liberec – mainly in the field of sports and culture - and use the trips organised to Prague, Germany and Poland
- Czech Republic is very safe and affordable country with low living expenses